Kieran Sheahan is a Consultant Histopathologist at the Department of Pathology, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin & Full Clinical Professor, University College Dublin School of Medicine. He graduated from UCD Medical School in 1981 & trained in the Anatomic Pathology Program, Mallory Institute of Pathology, Boston, USA where he was Assistant Professor of Pathology, Boston University where he remains an Adjunct Professor role. He took up his present appointment in 1992, became Associate Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine in 2007 & Full Clinical Professor (Clinical Pathway) in 2014.
He is a Director of the Centre for Colorectal Disease, SVUH. He is a former Board Member of the National Cancer Registry & former President of the Pathology Section, RAMI. He was the founding Treasurer and a former President of the Irish Society of Surgical Pathology. He held a number of positions in the Faculty of Pathology including Director of Education (2013-2019). He is currently Histopathology Lead in the National BowelScreen program ((2011-). He is a current Board member/Director of the International Collaboration on Cancer (ICCR). His research interests include Prognostic & predictive markers in colorectal cancer, familial gastrointestinal cancer, application of immunohistochemical & molecular genetic techniques in cancer & the pathobiology of inflammatory bowel disease. He has over 190 original publications in peer-reviewed biomedical journals and has authored numerous reviews & book chapters.